My birthday was incredible! We started off by Pop making me a breakfast sandwich and Sister Widdison giving me a flannel shirt to wear with my overalls, we fed and gathered chicken eggs then got on the road to a less actives to help her set up her garage sale. We helped out there for a bit and then met the Elders at Smoothie King, they had a smoothie and a birthday card waiting for me :) I literally was so spoiled... like I'm not sure Ive ever been so spoiled! So we thanked them and then headed to the Zoo, a less active member is the Zoo directer so we got in free. It was the PERFECT temperature! We walked around and talked to people handing out Restoration pamphlets. There was a mentally challenged man, Patrick there with his dad and I gave them each a pamphlet. It was Patrick's birthday too and he was so excited for me to give him that pamphlet as his girt. It was the sweetest thing ever! It just made me think I wish everyone responded the way he did, like they had just received the best gift of their entire life. People don't realize what they are passing up. It's really cool though because people who are truly prepared do realize it! We have a recent convert Frances, who after attending her first gospel principles class went straight home and ordered a gospel principles book off of amazon and checked the mail several times everyday. She literally couldn't wait to get it. We were over there last night and were asking her about General Conference and she was telling us she wasn't sure what time it started and she ended up waking up later than she wanted and was in a panic frenzy running to her computer to see if she was missing conference because its that important to her. It made me think about how easy it is to put conference on the back burner. Are we making conference a priority? Think about the amazing opportunity it is to be able to hear the prophet and his apostles speak! It's so cool. Our investigator Joseph has been reading the Book of Mormon, he is in Mosiah 2. He was reading about King Benjamin's address and he just thought it was the coolest hing ever that they were so blessed to be able to be guided and directed by a prophet back then, they were lucky enough to hear the prophets voice! We then explained that we are that lucky! Every 6 months we have General Conference and they do the same thing! He was so excited that he brought his less active wife Michelle ad their daughter to ALL 4 sessions at the church. I want all of y'all to re-kindle your love for conference! Learn from Joseph and Sister Frances, cherish and recognize how spoiled and loved we are by our God. Tender mercies all around, don't let them go by unappreciated!
Pop and Ms Robin threw me a birthday party with less actives investigators :) It was so fun we had Jambalaya and Smores so fun! Speaking of Smores, our cat Smores is pregnant! Yippy for kittens!
Love yall and thanks for all the Birthday wishes it truly was the best!
Sister Kerr
Mr. Joe's baptism
"There's no place like home" with the state of Louisiana on it!
Emma putting on my necklace from Lisa
Sky and Millie and Addeys package!
Birthday party!
Members made chickens wings because im from NY
The field is white already to harvest.
Zoo extravaganza
Mama's homemade frosting
Big Lion
Time to gather eggs!
Definition of Cajuns!

More from Mr. Joe's baptism! My facetime pictures :)
Emma, Pop and Ms. Robin's granddaughter made me a birthday sign :)
I'm 20!
Package from Mama and Daddy!
Macey, remember what I told you about alligators and Cajuns.