Monday, December 21, 2015

21 December 2015 - Immanuel: God with us.

Hello family, I can't believe it's been another week y'all. Time is so freaky. This week has been so good and so busy! It started a little slow because Sister Langford was still out of it because she was on lots of Benedryl but she quit using it on Monday. So to work we went, I felt so bad dragging her around because she was so out of it, we ended up going on exchanges so she could sleep and I could still work. It worked great! But then we had exchanges, we swapped with DeRidder, I had Sister Honey come here with me to Alexandria and we had a good time. We had several people request a free bible which sometimes isn't too promising. But we set out to meet them. We ended up in the ghetto of ghettos.... like the house number was written on the door with a sharpie marker! It was intense but we knocked and they would just yell "Who is it?" We would say "The Sister Missionaries!" We did this 3 times until finally Sister Honey just yells "It's the church girls!" The door opened! Oh great the smell answered every assumption I had been guessing. We handed her a Bible and a pass along card with the link to the Christmas video and ran back tot he car! When we got home I told Pop he would have to make me a map of where we shouldn't go in the dark! After exchanges we planned to exchange with another set of sisters, the Leesville ones. But crazy story, Sister Truchard got attacked by a diseased cat so ya she had to go to urgent care and get meds. We feel so bad for her! But while we were waiting for the news on whether we should leave Leesville or not we went to Diego's its kinda like a Costa Vida or Café Rio and it was so fantastic! I love huge burrtios :)
             Sister Langford got a blessing for her face rash and in it it said that her faith was sufficient to heal her but that God needed her to endure just a little longer. We couldn't figure out why! But then one night she was praying about what she needed to do for it and she got the answer of go tanning. She pushed of the impression several times thinking I cant do that. But she decided that she needed to. So we went and it helped! So we went again and when she tanned I talked to a girl named Megan who worked there and she just opened up so much automatically. She lost her dad when she was 15, she is about 21 now. But she opened up about his death and her concerns and fears. She then said after venting to me "Wow ive never told anyone these things before!" I then talked to her about the plan of salvation and she said she is open to the idea. Then Sister Langford came out and we taught her the Restoration and she agreed to read the Book of Mormon. The spirit was so strong and you could tell she was touched! As we walked out of the tanning salon Sister Langford and I looked at each other and at the same time said "That is why we needed to come!" It was so cool to realize that after all the troubles Sister Langford went through with her strange reaction that its purpose was to get us to the tanning salon we would have never set foot in unless she needed to go for her skin. That is just one example of how God was with us this week.
             We had another Bible request, her name was Dera. We called her up nad she said we could stop by Tuesday so we did but she wasn't home so we called and she said we could stop by Friday but we weren't ever able to head over to her house so finally on Saturday we knocked on her door and she was home! She let us in and let us sit down. I felt impressed to ask why she had ordered a Bible and her response was her life story! It was incredible to hear all that she has been through and experienced. But she also shared her love for the Word of God. We talked to her all about God's love to speak to us, which rolled perfectly to the Restoration... I feel like any conversation can flow directly to the Restoration. But she just cried and cried and said she had been praying God would send the truth to her. Sister Langford then invited her to read and pray and to prepare to be baptized in 1 month! She agreed. She said she knows God has more to say to us. The only down side is her husband lives in South Carolina and she will be moving there in about 2 weeks! But she told us she would love to learn with missionaries in South Carolina. Once again, God was with us.
              We really were able to focus for the first time this transfer on reaching the goals we set. So we prayed and prayed to reach at least more than we had the week before. So we got about 6 out of the 10. We were just so excited about that but then we were finding that randomly we were reaching goals with out even trying! Before we knew it we had reached 8 out of the 10. The only thing we were missing was someone baptized and we were one new investigator short! We were at the hospital visiting a less active when Sister Langford quite literally ran into this girl. So what do you do in an awkward situation like that??? You talk about Jesus... Duh! So that is what we did and come to find out she was really struggling because her fiancé had just been hospitalized because of a bad car wreck. So we talked with her and she is interested in meeting with us again....BAM a new investigator. It was crazy cool. God truly will show you what he intends for you to do! Iam so grateful for the fact that God is with us, always and that we never have to go without His love.
So comforting. I am so excited for Christmas, can't wait to see yall beautiful faces. Last of all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Be sure to watch this video!

Sister Kerr

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sister Kerr! you are in my birthday town mission--Baton Rouge. I have a (blood) sister on E Ponoma in BR. An elder there is from my Ohio ward--Elder Ralph. I've never met him. Pretty excited about your being there. Hope you have great success!
